City Queens:
Chelsea Kucejko - Miss Angelic Queen of Athens, AL
Laura Flinn-Baechtel - (Elegant Division) Mrs. Angelic Queen of Lake Elsinore, CA
Angelic Queen of Lake Elsinore Elegant Mrs. Division: Interview winner
Melissa Grant - Miss Angelic Queen of Sacramento, CA
Devon Sells - Jr. Miss Angelic Queen of TX
*State Jr. Miss Talent Award Winner
Uccie Bredemeyer - Petite Miss Angelic Queen of TX
Lisa Clark- Elegant Ms. Angelic Queen of CO
Jasmine La Commare - Adorable Miss Angelic Queen of AZ
*State Adorable Miss Talent and Natural Beauty Award Winner
Arianna Brutz-Williams - Jr. Darling Miss Angelic Queen of AZ
*State Jr. Darling Miss Talent and Beauty Attire Winner
Alexa Moberly - Darling Miss Angelic Queen of AZ
*State Darling Miss Talent and Beauty Attire Winner
Joanna Davis - Petite Miss Angelic Queen of NJ
Sharon Coles- Miss Angelic Queen of KS
Devon Sells - Jr. Miss Angelic Queen of America
NATIONAL Awards: Talent, Ideal Model & Achievement of Excellence
Denise Williams - Ideal Ms. Angelic Queen of America
NATIONAL Awards: Volunteer Service & Miss Congeniality
Laura Flinn-Baechtel - Elegant Mrs. Angelic Queen of America
NATIONAL Awards: Natural Beauty & Mrs. Photogenic
Lisa Clark - Elegant Ms. Angelic Queen of America
NATIONAL Awards: Spirit Award